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Thursday, June 4, 2009

FOOT Prints & LIP Prints

The safest and most accurate means of identification is by finger prints,but Air force personnel are foot printed by rule & their foot prints are recorded as in most accidents foot can be found of the Pilot .
*Newborn babies are also identified and recorded in the Hospitals by Foot Printing of each infant, shortly after birth.
In the same way Lip prints are of importance where the when the heads of the victims are more easily found than the hands & feet. Lip prints have specific characteristics each individual except in monozygous twins,in which the lip prints are identical.
The Finger Print system is also known as "DACTYLOGRAPHY"
The chances of matching two finger prints matching in all aspects are one in sixty four thousands millions 1 in 64000000000.
**** Anticancer drugs can delete the FINGER PRINTS.****
In a dead body where the finger tips are are dried up ,the prints can be taken after soaking the the fingers in solutions. If the fingers are peeled off due to drowning, burns etc....,prints can still be recorded from the underneath skin or by hardening the peeled skin by "Formalin" (a preservative).
Since solving a case requires teamwork, it is essential for the persons reaching the site of crime ,,that they should refrain from touching anything before the collection of Finger prints. so don't touch anything to avoid complications.

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