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Friday, June 5, 2009

Munnabhai Medical Detective 007:

Up till now you came to know about the basic things about finger printing. This system was discovered by Sir William J.Hershel ,who introduced it in Hugli district of Bengal in 1877. Later this technique was systematised by Francis Galton. So this system is also known as Galton System.
Skin of the balls of the fingers and thumbs is covered with characteristic ridges and grooves, namely Arch, Loop, Whorl and Composite. Finger prints can be recorded easily. The fingers are washed , cleaned & dried, then the print is taken with printer's ink on unglazed paper. The impression can be PLAIN or ROLLED.
A plain impression is by lightly pressing the inked surface of tip of finger or thumb. A rolled impression is taken by rolling the finger or thumb side to side,& this is more informative".
In case of criminals impressions of all the digits of both hands are taken. At the crime scene the finger print impressions are found due to moistening of the skin by sweat and sebum ( oily secretions from skin) from the skin glands. These are found on door knobs, furniture, weapons, & other articles ,unless the criminal has worn gloves. By the use of dusting powder this finger prints can be taken from these articles and can be recorded.
OK guys bye for now, keep reading.

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