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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hurray !! new protein for your memory,remeber everything

Scientists have a discovered a protein that can boost up your memory, particularly Photographic memory. Scientists have isolated a protein that mega-boosts your ability to remember what you see. The finding may one day give humans a near photographic memory. A group of Spanish researchers reported on Friday in the journal Science that they may have stumbled upon a substance that could become the ultimate memory-enhancer. This is a Great News for Detectives & Spies & even for a common man. Now you will never forget what you had seen at the crime scene & can correlate the things easily even when you are in home at bedtime. Although this is a common phenomenon for a person to recall the whole day activities , before going to sleep. This drug can certainly brighten the things. Since this protein works on visual memory, it could be used in applications such as mapping.It would also be useful for engineers and architects
who need to hold a lot of visual images in their minds at once. Lastly, it would also be a great drug for detectives and spies.

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