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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh!! I Found the Pistol that fired at crime scene

Cops identify the firearms from which the shot was taken, you must have seen in various movies & TV soaps. How ,with certainty they claim, that the shot was taken by a particular revolver or firearm. By just examining the bullet, how they catch the criminal"s firearm that was used for the crime??????
In a court case a man was accused for the killing of his wife, with his registered revolver. The examination of bullet ,recovered from the victim's body showed that ,it was not fired from the Husband's revolver, he was acquitted.
To solve this mystery, one has to understand the basics of firearm & wounding, known as "Ballistics". or Forensic Ballistics. Ballistic is the science of the motion of a projectile ( moving thing in air,here it is the bullet).
four basic things one should know are
Barrel : the external tube used for guiding the bullet
Bore, Gauge or Calibre : the diameter of the interior of the barrel,
Cartridge : one complete set of ammunition, it contains the propellant material i.e the gun powder, the bullet & other things like primer & wads.
Bullet : the actual projectile coming out from the firearm.

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